In indian language kichwa Ruku Kawsay means not only “living in accordance with nature”, like in the old times, but also “ancient wisdom”. Shaman and healer Agustin Humberto Grefa founded an estate Ruku Samay in the heart of amazon rain forest. Is is being maintained by a numerous-member Grefa family who still lives here. Family has rich experiences with ecoturism and engage in traditional shamanic healing since the old times, being passed from generation to generation. We were introduced to this beautiful family thanks to Misa and Agustin, whose love created a bridge between Czech Republic and faraway Amazon jungle. When they were describing problems that Ecuadorian Amazon forest is facing, we have decided to help as much as we can.
One of the neighbors of Ruku Samay have recently decided to sell his property of cca 40 ha. Is has a crutial strategic position as it is located on the river floating through Ruku Samay and other indian communities. All indigenous people are vitally dependent of the rivers and its health. The pollution of waters in case that the land gets bought by mining companies would have irreversible tragic impact on the huge area.
This was an impulse for the idea to buy this untouched part of the rain forest and make it a protected natural reserve. Because of a poor economic situation of indigenous people in the forest, the price of $30,000 was absolutely unattainable for them. Therefore, we reached out to the people from Czech republic and created the organization “Zivot postaru” (“Ruku Kawsay”).