Currently we have Urgent situation in Ruku Samay.
Contributions can be sent to a transparent account:
Account number: 34800348 / 2010
IBAN: CZ9420100000000034800348
Clink to show actual movement and statement on this account.
Alternativelly to transparent account:
Account number: 34800348 / 5500
Clink to show actual movement and statement on this account.
The family of Yachak (healer) Agustin Humberto Grefa supports indigenous families with sales of health-benefiting Wayusa tee, which they export to Czech republic, Germany and Austria. You can help our cause by purchase of Wayusa online or from point of sale Cafés (Amazonia Cafe in Prague).
Volunteer in Rain Forest
The trip is meant mainly for the those who want to help local community and add give their hand.
Come meet the Grefa family, community Rio Blanco and learn about life in the jungle as it used to be and as is nowadays.
You can help with one click! It works similar to Facebook “Like” button with the difference that for each click you give us we receive a small financial amount.
Tell your friends about the project!
Just spreading the word helps us! We need to get the project into public acknowledgement so please feel free to share! Thank you