February 14 to 17, 2020, Zivot Postaru Foundation held a first Meeting of Grandparents of different native tribes from the all over Ecuador – Amazonia, Sierra, Kichwas, Waoranis, Quitus, Caras. The gathering was supported by volunteers and foreigners mainly from the Czech Republic, but also Germany, Australia, Canada, Colombia and Mexico.This congregation had a main objective of retaking Ancestral teaching for the educational support of the community and indigenous families.Our main goals is to build a sustainable alternative education center for children and young people in the Ecuadorian Amazon, with a vision of caretakers of natural resources,  sustainability, as well as the maintenance of the ancestral spiritual knowledge of plants, animals and Mother Earth or Pacha Mama. We also focus on the maintenance of the community forests that are currently being lost due to the logging in the primary, virgin forests, mining and oil drilling.  Westernization, consumerism, and materialism that are increasingly rooted in children and young people adds on them losing their cultural identity.
 Thanks to the ZIVOT POSTARU foundation, the Project of the Sustainable Alternative Teaching Center, can become a reality.  Thanks to the support of our partners and supporters we begun the project realization this year with the focus on of acquiring the ancestral lands. We finalize and start executing the activities by 2021.The new era of entering classes in the Ecuadorian Amazon region is scheduled to begin in September 2021.
So much magic and teachings were offered as the gathering was unfolding. We are beyond grateful for everybody who traveled to us to help us shaping the final form of the ancestral Forests schools here in Ecuador.